Tuesday, November 29, 2005

This is Long Overdue...

This occured to me after seeing a couple recent movies on DVD. Santa and the Elves vs. Glenda the Good Witch and the Munchkins vs. Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas. We seriously considered throwing Gandalf and some Hobbits in the mix, but we know that would end real quick with Gandalf rockin' them all. WE NEED YOUR INPUT ON THIS, PEOPLE!!! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech..."

I consider myself a patriot. I love the United States and am grateful for the various liberties that we are blessed with as citizens of this great country. For this reason, there are a few things that tend to upset me.

In the last few months I have been surprised to read about certain incidents where students have been punished by school administrators for things they have said on their own private websites. I believe this is a violation of First Amendment rights. How can a school administrator assume the jurisdiction to regulate activities outside of school boundaries? Somehow they think that their power extends to the private lives of their students.

To me, this demonstrates what could become an alarming trend in our country.

I have felt in recent years that there is a growing apathy in our country. I had this thought prior to the tragic events of September 11th and though saddened by the great loss on this day, I was filled with pride as I walked down the street, to see an American Flag displayed at every home. But this sentiment gradually faded.

We must fight the apathy, and realize that our country can still stand for something if we as its citizens stand for something.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

vintage lux

Funny how we are just starting to sell t-shirts, and I think my brother in law and my other brother in law's brother are trying to liquidate inventory. Here is their stuff.


Why is it that it is acceptable to make fun of some groups of people and not others? For Example, it is acceptable to make fun of the British, French, German, Canadians, and Australians. Everybody else is off limits. Just a thought.

...and he can be yours too!

Just had to let everyone know about our latest venture. We made these amazing "Cecil is my Homeboy" t-shirts which we are selling... as long as we have stock.

Check out the website for more details.

This is a limited time offer... act quickly!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Koolaid Man

K, so I'm not much of a blogger, but this is so funny that something needed to be done. Click on the link below.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Art of Deception

We live in a society that places a lot of value on appearance. Movie Stars, liposuction, acne, "Hey do I have anything stuck between my teeth?", these are the things that concern us.

Because of this it is very important to appear to be something you are not. This is the great Art of Deception.

Sun Tzu once said "All warfare is based on deception." We are fighting a war my friends. Every minute of every hour, we are locked in mortal combat. Good vs. Evil. Truth vs. Falsehood. Democrats vs. Republicans. Pork vs. Chicken.

The sooner you develop your skills of deception, the more likely you are to survive. There are certain species of butterflies that have spots on their wings to make them look like eyes so birds don't eat them. Deception.

One demonstration of the art of deception follows:

This is the original trailer for The Shining, one of the most critically acclaimed horror movies of our time. Apply a little deception, and you get this.

I love it. It is great.

Last year a few friends of mine invented what they called "The Great Deception". I will admit, it was quite the deception. A few of my roomates and I speak spanish and these friends of mine pretended that they didn't understand it. They were trying to get secrets from us.

It was all quite futile, because, of course, no one can fool the collective.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Right now I'm at that point of the semester where things start to wind down. Not my classes or the work incorporated therein, but rather my motivation. Classwork actually increases and gets more intense. This is where my life goes crazy. Here's a quick semester life-cycle:

Stage 1 - The "Let's Rock This Mutha" Stage: A fresh new start to school. Things are good, there's nothing that I'm behind in, and everything is awesome. The homework is not too heavy, and I keep up on it really well. This semester will be different. This will be the semester that "I stay on top of things." This is the beginning of a new, non-procrastinating me.

Stage 2 - The "I'm Doing OK, I Don't Need to Study This Saturday" Stage: I'm still on top of things, but things are getting a bit too busy for me. Time to take a breather. Get up at noon, go to a football game, go to a dollar movie and chill. You've earned it, right? You have been doing your homework, right? All work and no play makes Jack...right?

Stage 3 - The "Oh Crap, I've Just Wasted the Last Three Saturdays and Now I Have Midterms" Stage: The beginning of the downward spiral. The readings and assignments for classes have slipped a bit, and now I have to cram information for Midterm for Class #1. Two days later is Midterm for Class #2. This creates a problem. I'm cramming for midterms, so therefore I can't get back on track for my daily readings. By the way, there are a ton of other things going on: Arrested Development parties, sleep, thank you cards, sleep, etc. Each day is an inch deeper slowly slipping into the abyss that is procrastination.

Stage 4 - The "I'm So Out of Studying that I Can't Get Back Into It" Stage: The decision to change things and "Get back on track." unfortunately, things have gotten out of hand. The papers and midterms keep flying and yet I'm trying to make up for all the readings that I've slacked off on. Probably about three Saturdays would be sufficient to make up the work I'm missing. Hope starts to be lost and despair starts knocking on the door. This is where I'm at right now.

Stage 5 - The "If I Survive Finals Then I Guess Life Might Go On" Stage: Finals arrive, and so the nights without sleep begin. The time of desperation. The time of bargaining. The time when I keep trying to make up the time, but the quicksand pulls faster and faster. It is the time in which "I just need some more time." At this point, life beyond finals is questionable. At this point, we promise ourselves that next semester (if we make it to that) will not be the same. "It will be different." We'll get better organized, we'll make sure to "Stay on top of things." We know that we'll change, that we will "Rock this mutha." And the cycle continues.

Seriously, though, next semester will be TOTALLY different. I promise.

I'm Sorry

I just wanted to say I'm Sorry for my last two Posts. I'm really not that mean or shallow, I've just been in kinda a wired mood lately. I think it has something to do with the fact that I've been turned down 5 time in the past week when I've asked girls out. I know, I know, It sounds a little depressing, but I'm not sad I've learned important lessons about asking girls out. And for a lack of anything better to post I'll let you in on some tips, that may help you avoid the embarrassing experience of being shot down, after putting yourself out there.

1. Get to know them. You're probably going to want to know a little bit about them This may mean that you need to sustain a short conversation with them. Perhaps you can find out what her interests are, or at least her name, because believe me its doesn't look good if you have her name scribbled on your hand as a reminder.

2. Be patient. If she tells you, you should come over, or hang out sometime, as she is leaving. She probably means another day. So, wait a little while, she could be wierded out if you go over to her apartment 5 minutes after she leaves.

3. One at a time. If there are 2 girls you want to ask out, make up your mind and as them out one at a time. If you ask them out at the same time, it may make things awkward for them. If you neglect this point and go for two at once it could result in rejection by both girls.

4. Dress For Success. When you do go over to their house to get to know them. You may want to choose a style of dress that is compliance with the styles of the decade. Remember! Not all girls understand the class that is embodied in camo pants and giant Iron Maiden patch plastered on the back of a sleeveless jean jacket, offset by a bandanna and sunglasses.

5. Be Personable. There's a chance its a bad idea to bring 10 of you friends to support you when you ask a girl out. If you must bring your friends along, its advisable that they don't take pictures to remember the moment.

If you follow these tips you'll have a fewer lonely nights, and you may actually save money in court fees for pesky things like restraining orders.

I'm out

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


So we were up most of the night last night. Landon was the first to go, at about 3 or somewhere around there. Then I clocked out at about 4. Justin, however stayed up till about 6:45, all in the name of the movie we are making. He is the editor, the man that makes the magic happen. We thought the movie was due today. That is because of a little mixup on the flier. What do you think that says? I thought it said November 2nd in roman numerals. It in fact said November eleventh. Doesn't that look like a Roman Numeral 2? The confusion cause a lot of rushed work over a project not due till five days later than we thought.

Wisdom from my coworker Robbie. I find its always useful to have a Snickers bar on hand. If you're hungry, you can eat it to hold you over till a real meal. If you need something, you can barter with it.

unused potential

Well, when I first considered doing this blog I thought of all the important stuff I could share with the world. However, after my first post, there was a quick realization that I don't have anything really important to say. This has opened my eyes the the amount of un-used potential that I have. I hope to use this potential to do worth while. Things like combine adjectives with names to create ultra-discriptive titles for people like Rotundgela, or Rotundgelas male couterpart Fatrick. It never ceases to amaze me what the human mind is capible of.